The Allegorization of Oil in Angolan Novel A Montanha da Água Lilás


  • Caio Ricardo Faiad Universidade de São Paulo
  • Daisy de Brito Rezende Universidade de São Paulo



Chemistry Teaching, Brazilian Law 10639/03, Interdisciplinarity


Article 2 of the Brazilian Guidelines and Bases Law is emphatic when it establishes that the principles of freedom and the ideals of human solidarity with the purpose of the student's total development and preparation for the exercise of citizenship inspire Brazilian Education. Thus, the precepts of Anti-racist Education improve the citizenship formation prescribed in the LDB by acting on ethical principles that promote, among many others, the overcoming of harmful myths about Africa. The objective of this paper is to present a critical reading of the juvenile work A Montanha da Água Lilás: fábula para todas as idades (The Mountain of Lilac Water: fable for all ages) by Pepetela, which enables the planning of playful activities for the teaching of chemistry in elementary school under the terms of Brazilian law 10.639/2003 and the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture. Since literature transfigures reality, this paper presents an analysis and interpretation of the literary work that explores concepts of literary genre and elements of narrative to understand the possible meanings of the material "lilac water". This study concludes that allegory, common in fables, is the figure of speech underlying this Angolan novel. Based on the understanding that lilac water symbolizes oil, an important chemical material in Angola's economy, it is possible to develop playful didactic sequences to introduce chemistry concepts through the CTSA approach in elementary school while breaking stereotypes regarding the African continent.





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