The New Bahian High School Nature Science Curriculum and the student with disabilities: inclusion or exclusion?


  • Érica Cunha Figueiredo Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
  • Jacira Teixeira Castro Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
  • Joelma Cerqueira Fadigas Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia



Ciências da Natureza, Documento Curricular Referencial da Bahia , Perspectiva Inclusiva


This article aims to evaluate how the theme of inclusion of people with disabilities is present in the Benchmark Curriculum Document of Bahia - High School Stage, seeking to identify whether this normative document repeats the mistakes of the Common National Curriculum Base or whether it presents new perspectives for Special Education. It also seeks to understand if the Curricular Organizers of Natural Sciences for High School enable the inclusion and the learning process of students with disabilities. To this end, we conducted a qualitative documentary analysis of the referential curriculum document of Bahia (DCRB) and the SEC-BA Ordinance No. 1978/2022 that regulates this normative document. The analysis revealed that the Bahia Curriculum Reference Document repeats the mistakes and reinforces the exclusion of students with disabilities from scientific knowledge. In Volume 3 of the DCRB, which presents the Teaching Modalities regarding Special Education, there are few discussions on Special Education, few theoretical references, and many outdated concepts. It was also noticed that there was a reduction and fragmentation of the contents of Natural Sciences in the Basic General Education, in addition to the reduction of the workload and complexity of the Formative Itineraries, which present a technical rationality that does not give disabled students much opportunity to choose these itineraries and deepen their knowledge of the areas that comprise the Natural Sciences. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink Bahia's High School in light of the National Policy for Special Education from the Perspective of Inclusive Education, in order to guarantee to all students from Bahia a quality education for their full development.

