Novo Ensino Médio em Mato Grosso: a formação continuada de professores no contexto da rede estadual de Educação
New Secondary Education, Teacher training, Mato GrossoAbstract
As a new educational policy in consolidation, the New Secondary Education (NSE) has promoted drastic changes in the organizational structure of this stage of Basic Education, with impacts on the professional profile of teachers and, consequently, on the provision of continuing education by the education networks. In this context, considering that each educational system has autonomy to manage training processes, the aim of this work was to describe and analyze how the State of Mato Grosso has developed its actions to provide training to teachers linked to its network. As for the time frame, this was established between the end of 2018, when the first actions were carried out to make NSE in the State viable, and the first half of 2023, which is the moment of completion of this study (and for which the actions still materialize). Therefore, the methodology adopted was qualitative research of the documentary type, with analysis of texts related to the theme that were published in the Official Gazette of Mato Grosso and in other official channels of the State Department of Education. As a result, from the 16 documents analyzed, it was verified that the continuous formation of teachers was initially neglected until the massive diffusion of educational platforms (mainly from 2022), arising from contracts or partnerships with private companies (or with philanthropic institutions originating from business groups), with large-scale, instrumental, and homogeneous training courses (to serve all teachers, regardless of their professional profile or their school context). Finally, contradictions are identified in the training model offered by the state education network, since training does not offer the necessary subsidies to meet the training demands of teachers, while overloading them with a diverse list of plans and curricula (disciplines by area of knowledge, electives, deepening trails, life project and professional training) and excessive course load.
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