A Política do PNLD sob a Ótica de Grupos Econômicos: em Foco, a Produção de Livros Didáticos Digitais de Química


  • Edimarcio Francisco da Rocha Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Irene Cristina de Mello Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso




Material didático; Livros digitais; Política educacional.


In this article, we discuss the production of Chemistry textbooks, in particular, the work approved in PNLD 2015, with the aim of determining the reasons why the MEC included the possibility of books in digital version. Taking the Policy Cycle approach as a theoretical-methodological framework, we analyze the official documents that guided the process of acquiring the works considering the historical context of the Textbook Programs and interviews with actors involved in the production of Chemistry works. for the PNLD 2015. Based on the data, we elaborated a matrix in which we designated three domains existing in the PNLD: Political, Economic and Pedagogical. These domains are interrelated and involve authors, editors, the MEC itself, professors and other economic groups associated with the digital technologies sector, in a complex system of disputes to guarantee determinations in the conduct of this educational policy. In two categories of analysis, Digital Inclusion of Books and Digital Production of Books, we describe how the market influenced the decision to include the digital book in the public notice and how authors and publishers assimilated this demand. The results indicate that, behind the scenes of politics, the pedagogical objective of the book is geared towards economic purposes, with the digital textbook being another product designed to generate profits for the financial market.

Keywords: Couseware, Digital textbooks, Educational politics.





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